Our Members

Our rowing programme is carried out by a dedicated team comprising of school staff, voluntary coaches, parents and our rowing crews.



The Takapuna Grammar School Rowing Club Committee is formed annually to coordinate the delivery of our objectives.

The Committee, consisting of approximately 14 volunteer members, are who organise the various required activities including fundraising, maintenance, training camps, communications and generally assist in the conduct of the club's operations and administration.

Each year Committee Members and our Executive Officers are elected by club members at the Annual General Meeting.

2023/24 Committee Members

The following members were elected for the 2023/24 season:

CLUB Executive Officers:

Appointed Executive Committee Members:

Committee Members:

Supporting Roles:



Our coaching team is comprised of highly successful rowers, who each ensure that our crew members enjoy a safe and rewarding sport.

Head Coach: Sam Grant

Senior coaches:

  • Sam Grant (Head Coach)

  • Zoe Corboy

  • Martin Sharrock

  • Kevin Herbison

  • Mauricio Matamala

  • Chris Bradley

  • Nik Shipkov (Land Trainer)

Junior coaches:

  • Jamie Vukovich

  • Harrison Bacchus

  • Nabeel Khan

  • Kira Sharrock



Takapuna Grammar School Rowing Club Captains are ambassadors for both the club and the school, and are responsible for supporting the coaches and all crew members.

Club Captains are selected by all club members annually from the Year 12 Senior Crew.

Club Captains (2023/24 Season):

  • Nia Shipkov

  • Bill An

VICE CAPTAINS (2023/24 Season)

  • Lizzie McKendry

  • Matt Molony

  • Charlie Bourke

To discuss any issues pertaining to the management of the club you can contact any of our Committee Members, either in person or via their club email address. Fresh ideas and parent participation is very much welcomed.

Life Members

Our Life Members are the foundation of Takapuna Grammar School Rowing Club. We are incredibly lucky to have such an engaged and supportive group of Life Members who provide endless support and advice and are ambassadors for both the club and the sport of rowing.

Ian Pratt

Lee Pratt

Nicky Hume

Chris Hume

Terry Tidbury

Bruce Alvey

Shana Alvey

Malcolm Iversen*

Barbara Iversen

Colleen Tonei

John Beck

Robin Holding

Terry Holding

Erwin Drok   

Ian Lissette                  

Mary Glanfield

Chris Glanfield

Sharon Norman*

Graeme Norman

Eric Verdonk*

Paula Halliday

Neil Halliday


* Deceased